Tuesday, May 24, 2016

They're Here!


Our plywood crates, filled with all of our earthly belongings, arrived yesterday! Yes! When we left Uganda we filled 2.5 wooden crates(6' by 6') with sentimental items from home to be shipped back to the States. We were told it would take 6 or more months for the crates to arrive on US soil. Nevertheless, here we are, 5 months later, with the crates!

The packing company arrived at 10 am or so, yesterday morning. The four packers/movers hopped out of the ginormous 18 wheeler, and got to work prying the front of the crates off and unloading the contents in our church's gym.

As I watched the men wheel in the boxes that contained the household items I had grown up with, and not seen for 6 months, emotions raged! Emotions like joy that our "stuff" was here, in one piece, not at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, sadness as our crates arriving means that we really have moved to America and left Uganda, and anticipation as we, in the coming months, open the boxes that are packed with treasures, dear to our hearts.

Of course, I'm inside the house, sitting in a comfy chair, surrounded by Air Conditioning. While my Dad, brother, and friend we crated with, move boxes in the 86 degree weather!

So, I am happy.

Have a great week!
